My life is the same. My reactions are not.
The Healthy Living Plan Inc. • July 15, 2018
Do my reactions derail situations? Do I think that my life would be better if I could only change things? Do I get stuck in how things ‘could’ or ‘should’ be different?
Over the years, I have exerted significant energy changing things to make life better – for myself and others. (And I have managed to create a wonderful life!) I have recently come to realize the significance of a tool that allows me to shift my reactions so that I can feel calm and relaxed even when things don’t match my beliefs. I have never considered myself a control freak but I realize that I have operated on strong conditioning based on my beliefs toward work and fairness. And I realize that we all have our triggers.
It is not my belief that is wrong.
We live in a society in which we are trained to think that if there is something we don’t like, we should change it. If we don’t like our job, leave. If our relationships cause distress, change them. If our body, our home or our vehicle are not perfect, we should strive for better. And while there may be nothing wrong with leaving, changing and striving, our reactions often result in distress that over time, wears on our body and mind.
We have energy stuck in our beliefs and we benefit from shifting our focus from changing our environment to simply changing our reactions. My three focus areas for getting ‘unstuck’ include:
Relieve the pressure of demands.
Notice and neutralize reactions.
Move beyond ‘coulds’ and ‘shoulds’.
By shifting our reactions, we can enjoy life more fully. I have noticed that rather than needing to control and change things to please me, I am better able to appreciate the contrast and diversity that surrounds me.
My reactions can be limiting.
We all have reactions that form our personality and character. I have long held some reactive patterns that I wanted to change. It was not until I was introduced to Dr. Willem Lammers, and a tool that he developed, that I felt I could make meaningful progress. As I learned about Logosynthesis® as a guided change method, the work resonated with me.
In 2017, I published Logosynthesis: Enjoying Life More Fully to illustrate my personal experience with the method at an introductory level. I could sense that the work was subtly shifting my reactions to life experiences. I wanted to capture the early changes so others could notice their situations and learn how to apply the method.
In 2018, I became a Practitioner in Logosynthesis® and I had the opportunity to attend a Logosynthesis® Working Conference. The one week program offered the opportunity for even more personal development. The current level of work is fascinating as it neutralizes underlying cultural beliefs and attitudes. Again, not that the beliefs are wrong but rather that this ‘frozen’ energy limits my ability to see broader perspectives. The work resolves the underlying thoughts, emotions and sensations to expand my self-awareness.
My reactions are part of my journey.
The more I learn, the greater my appreciation for the potential for this tool to support health AND productivity. When we apply to our own situations and notice the (sometimes subtle) shifts in reactions, we can begin to appreciate that our unique experiences and culture contribute to our thoughts, emotions and sensations. The distress can be simply a result of the pace of change and requires resolution at the energetic level. Logosynthesis® provides a wonderful tool to support this work.